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MMF Reimagined

Medical grade braided polyester structure with a bonded polypropylene


Blunt tip introducer

1.0 mm (18 ga)

0.7 mm (21 ga.)

1.0 mm (18 ga.)

Self-locking and infinitely adjustable clasp head with smooth, rounded corners

Invented by a surgeon, Minne Ties® Agile MMF is an innovative, patent pending technology to rapidly, simply and safely achieve maxillomandibular fixation (MMF). Unlike arch bars or screw-based systems, Minne Ties is a non-invasive solution that provides strong, steady force and the secure bite necessary to successfully achieve MMF.

Minne Ties are constructed of coated suture with a blunt introducer on one end, and a smooth, infinitely adjustable clasp head on the other. The Minne Ties design resembles that of a familiar “zip tie.”



APPLICATION The Minne Ties suture is introduced through the embrasures to create a loop. The stainless steel introducer is threaded through the green side of the clasp head. Apply the recommended four sutures on each side, using the largest size possible to minimize potential floss out. Final tightening is done after all sutures are placed. Sutures are trimmed after tightening.

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Product Configurations



Polypropylene, Polyester, Stainless Steel

1.0 mm (18 ga)

0.7 mm (21 ga)


Clasp Head

Blunt Introducer

Product configurations available for purchase include:

12 Suture Kit


  • Eight Standard Ties (1.0 mm)

  • Four Supplemental Thin Ties (0.7 mm)

  • Cheek retractor custom-designed to organize Ties during application

Two Packs

Each two pack includes two sutures of the same size.


Two Standard Ties (1.0 mm)


Two Supplemental Thin Ties (0.7 mm)

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