Article of the Month
Happy Holidays from everyone at Invisian Medical. We hope your
holidays will be filled with peace and joy through the New Year.
Invisian Medical will be closed December 26th through January 2nd to allow our team to spend time with family over the holidays. If you anticipate needing product during this time, we encourage your organization to order Minne Ties in advance of the holidays to ensure product availability. Please have your staff reach out to us as soon as possible by phone at (913) 228-1857 or via email at Thank you.
MMF Article of the Month
In an article published in the Annals of 3D Printed Medicine, Yi Lin Song et al. tested the feasibility of using selective laser melting (SLM) to print patient-specific stainless steel arch bars for use in corrective jaw surgery. The authors compared the quality of custom arch bars made using a Renishaw AM 400 3D printer to the standards set by conventional custom arch bars made in a dental laboratory using stainless steel wire which is precision rolled to achieve the desired shape.
Fig. 2. Patient-specific arch bar
The authors evaluated the 3D-printed custom arch bars by comparing them to the dentition scans of anonymized archived patients from the National Dental Center of Singapore orthodontic department, which had been modified to simulate a segmented osteotomy. The quality of these custom arch bars was then tested by comparing both their digital fit and their fit against resin models. The authors also completed additional tests to evaluate the quality of 3D-printed arch bars, including microstructural examination, dimensional accuracy analysis, chemical analysis, and mechanical tests.
Fig. 6. Virtual arch bars.
The authors evaluated four printer settings and ultimately found settings that printed arch bars of sufficient quality and fit 98.6% of the time. They conclude that SLM techniques can print custom arch bars "with satisfactory mechanical properties and regular grain patterns, with surface roughness improved by post-print polishing. Distortion of print-outs may occasionally occur in the posterior molar region but otherwise, most exhibit acceptable fit on dental arches for clinical use."
Figure 8. Arch bar with an unsatisfactory fit on the resin model (demarcated by red arrows)
Minne Ties Tip of the Month: Tighten in 2 Steps
Tighten each of the Minne Ties finger tight. Make sure the Ties are pulled through the gingival tissue and are fully seated at the interdental contact points (see image). Test the strength of construct by pulling downwards on the mandible to ensure that it is immobilized. Tighten each of the Ties a second time but do not use excessive force. Minne Ties will provide strong and durable MMF when applied in this manner as a system.
Minne Ties Podcast Appearance
On November 14th, Drs. Andrew Jenzer and Joseph Ivory were featured guests on the podcast "Every Day Oral Surgery", hosted by Dr. Grant Stucki. They discussed their publication of the article in the November issue of JOMS titled The Role of Dental Occlusion Ties to Achieve Stable Maxillomandibular Fixation During Temporomandibular Joint Replacement (as two of the seven authors of the paper), along with a number of other topics, including hobbies that make them better surgeons. Listen to the podcast by clicking here or by finding Every Day Oral Surgery on your favorite podcast platform.
As with most surgical procedures, there are risks associated with maxillomandibular fixation (MMF), including with Minne Ties. For complete information regarding indications for use, additional application and removal instructions, risks, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse events, please review the device’s Instructions for Use (IFU) included in the package and at
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