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MMF Monthly Newsletter Issue 19 May 2023

Writer's picture: Invisian MedicalInvisian Medical

Updated: Jan 29, 2024


Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Published Article

Heather Schopper¹, MD; Natalie A. Krane², MD; Kevin J. Sykes¹, PhD, MPH; Katherine Yu¹, BS; J. David Kriet¹, MD; Clinton D. Humphrey¹, MD.

¹Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA

²Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA

An article published on May 13th in the Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction by H. Schopper et al provides an in-depth examination of the evolving techniques used to achieve maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) in the treatment of mandibular fractures. Conducted at a single academic institution, this study spanned a decade (2011-2021) and retrospectively reviewed 229 patient electronic medical records along with collected data. 163 patients were eligible for analysis because patients that underwent ORIF without MMF were not included.

The authors found that "overall, our institution has been moving towards more rapid techniques for intraoperative MMF, such as embrasure wires, hybrid systems, and WDOT [Wireless Dental Occlusion Ties, or Minne Ties®]". In the discussion section of their review they wrote that "when considering the benefits of these aforementioned methods of MMF, including less time for application and lower risk for sharps injury, WDOT offer a facile means to establish occlusion, while the blunt tip provides little risk for sharps injury of the surgeon and limited periodontal trauma for the patient".

Figure I. Intraoperative MMF method by year. 2021 is an incomplete year and includes cases through 3/31/2021

The authors also described the surgical outcomes: "WDOT function well in both simple and complicated fractures in terms of adequate fracture reduction, as determined by postoperative imaging and complication rates were comparable to other forms of MMF". Additionally, the authors noted that "WDOT rely on sufficient native dentition with close contacts between teeth", and that they "use WDOT only for intraoperative MMF, as WDOT do not provide the rigid splint functionality of an arch bar, may loosen with movement of the mandible, and cannot currently be used with elastics to guide occlusion".

The authors conclude the paper, indicating that "in summary, contemporary devices such as WDOT offer a rapid and simple means to establish MMF with similar rates of adequate fracture reduction and complications to that seen with other traditional forms of MMF. WDOT also carry a lower risk of stick injury than techniques requiring the use of wires. WDOT should be considered a viable option for intraoperative MMF in patients with good dentition to establish occlusion during mandible fracture repair."


Minne Ties Mini Case Report

Dr. MJ Anderson used Minne Ties for a mandible fracture case at UPMC recently! We’re glad we could help make MMF more efficient for the case!

"Put @minne_ties to the test as both bridle wires and embrasure ligatures during a mandible fracture last weekend 🦷 faster to apply and fewer sharps helped us work efficiently and safely 💪🏼 thanks for the rec @blakeballenger and @acjenzer

… even better when it allows you to still make it to @7springspa ⛷️”



Minne Ties Tip of the Month:

Focus on the Molars!

When applying Minne Ties, the decision on which embrasure spaces to place them in is one that can have a great impact on the outcome of the case. For optimal stability, place 3-4 Minne Ties in both the left and right sides of the molars and premolars (6-8 total Ties). Their stronger proximal contact points, as compared to canines and incisors, result in a more secure construct and minimize the possibility of a Minne Tie slipping through the teeth (flossing out).


SOMA Recap

Invisian Medical was pleased to support the Dental Review for the SOF Operator Lab Track at the Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) 2023 Scientific Assembly May 15-19 in Raleigh, NC. It was a privilege to support the hands-on lab for our special forces.


As with most surgical procedures, there are risks associated with maxillomandibular fixation (MMF), including with Minne Ties. For complete information regarding indications for use, additional application and removal instructions, risks, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse events, please review the device’s Instructions for Use (IFU) included in the package and at

© Copyright Invisian Medical 2023 MT-2023-008-REV 0

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